2012年12月12日歐盟綠色首都的永續經驗談 邀請大家一起來
講者:歐盟執行委員會環境總署政策官員Mrs. Marie-Helene Vareille
演講時間:2012年12月12日 14:00-16:00
2. 歐盟綠色首都的官方網站
講者:歐盟執行委員會環境總署政策官員Mrs. Marie-Helene Vareille
演講時間:2012年12月12日 14:00-16:00
時間 |
內容 |
說明 |
14:00-14:10 |
開場與介紹 |
社造中心主持人/ 李永展老師主持 |
14:10-15:20 |
歐盟綠色首都的執行經驗談 |
Mrs. Vareille 分享/ 中文逐步翻譯 |
15:20-16:00 |
開放討論 |
Vareille女士自2012年3月起任職歐盟執行委員會環境總署的政策官員(Policy Officer, European Commission DG Environment)
,負責歐盟永續發展的各項業務,包括歐洲綠色首都大獎(the European Green Capitals
Awards)與歐洲易行週(European Mobility Week)的推動。Vareille女士2011到2012年擔任歐盟執行委員會貿易總署反傾銷的專案經理。她過去曾任職於巴黎歌劇院負責預算控管,然後陸續在幾間公司擔任財務分析師,2002年3月進入歐盟執行委員會貿易總署,2007年至2011年間為歐盟執行委員會派駐日本的媒體、公共與文化事務代表。
(European Green Capital Award, EGCA)係表揚對都市環境改善具有長期持續提升績效的城市,鼓勵城市對於未來環境改善和永續發展,提出持續及遠大目標的承諾,及提供一個典範,可以刺激其它城市,推動城市發展的永續經營。主要以都市優質低碳生活為主體,提升城市在交通系統、建築節能、環境生態綠化等項目上的高度創意和卓越經驗。綠色首都評估的相關內容主要有:氣候變化、當地交通、公共綠地面積、空氣質量、噪音、廢物、用水、污水處理、土地的可持續利用、生物多樣性和環境管理等。綠色首都獎每年會選出不同的城市,近年來依序為 2010瑞典斯德哥爾摩Stockholm、2011年為德國漢堡Hamburg、2012
VAREILLE has been policy officer with the European
Commission’s Directorate General for the Environment since March 2012. Among her
responsibilities is the area of sustainable development, including the European
Green Capital Award and European Mobility Week. Previously (2011–2012), she
worked as anti-dumping case manager with the Directorate General for Trade. She
began her career as budget manager with Opéra national de Paris, then as a
financial analyst for a number of firms. She came to the European Union
Directorate General for Trade in March 2002 and was appointed Deputy Head of
Press, Public and Cultural Affairs for the European Union delegation to Japan
from 2007 to 2011.
is the European Green Capital Award and what are its objectives?
Europeans have a right to live in
healthy urban areas, and cities should therefore strive to improve the quality
of life of their citizens and reduce their impact on the global environment.
Hence, that’s why they say, “Green cities – fit for life”.
areas are the source of many of today’s environmental challenges – not
surprisingly, since three out of four Europeans live in towns and cities. Local
governments and authorities can provide the commitment and innovation needed to
tackle and resolve many of these problems.
of the policy tools the European Commission is using to address these
challenges is the European Green Capital Award (EGCA), which recognizes
and rewards local efforts to improve the environment, the economy and the
quality of life in cities. The EGCA is given each year to a city, not
necessarily a capital, which is leading the way in environmentally friendly
urban living and which can thus act as a role-model to inspire other cities.
Cities differ enormously and sharing concrete examples of what a European Green
Capital can look like is essential if further progress is to be
financial crisis and economic downturn highlight the need to link sustainable
economic development with environmentally-friendly measures within integrated
policy responses at the local level. The Award acts as a powerful incentive to
help convince local governments and authorities that sustainable urban
development is the key to a successful future.
The Award's objectives are threefold, namely to:
a) Reward cities that have a well-established
record of achieving high environmental objectives,
b) Encourage cities to commit to
ambitious future goals for further environmental improvement and sustainable
development, and
c) Provide a role model to inspire
other cities and promote best practices and experiences in all other European