
Muddled bus stops

2013/08/07 16:50
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PeoPo推 0

Though Alishan in Chiayi County is home to eight indigenous tribes, only two have bus stops. The bus route covers a distance of 12 km; however, Chiayi County Bus Service Administration (嘉義縣政府公車處) mistakenly erected bus stops at locations not on the marked bus route. The location of the newly erected ‘Alishan Elementary/Junior High School Stop’ on Alishan’s Dabang Road is 2 km from the correct position, on a road with no scheduled buses; at this stop, one could literally wait for eternity, and still not catch a bus! 

In response to the citizen journalist’s complaints Chiayi County Bus Service Administration Citizen said: “The contractor mistakenly located the bus signs in the wrong position. We’ll correct the error as soon as possible.” After the complaint, the bus sign was promptly relocated to the correct spot. It is clear, however, that there is room for further improvements.

For example, No. 4 Bus Stop (花圃站), and No. 5 Bus Stop (米洋站), which give access to 6 and 10 families respectively, are positioned less than 300 meters apart. Local residents feel that No. 4 Bus Stop would be far more convenient if it was relocated to the nearby road intersection.

The citizen journalist has appealed on Chiayi County Bus Service Administration Citizen to be more careful when positioning bus stops in the future, and try to place more importance on first gaining a consensus with local communities. By merely going through the motions, county governments fail to fully fulfill the real needs of the people.


Muddled bus stops








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