
4th Anniversary of Morakot Disaster Series – Laiji permanent settlement unveils model

2013/09/16 16:35
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In order to ensure that the building of a permanent housing settlement for disaster-stricken families of Laiji Village in Alishan Township was within their natural living environment, disaster survivors painstakingly traversed a long journey, taking them from protests and petitions, to environmental impact assessments and government bodies. They have endured a bitter and miserable journey, as well as the hardship of being forced to leave their homes each time a typhoon approaches, bringing with it the possibility of disaster.

The tribespeople have left their mark on The Control Yuan (監察院) by repeatedly petitioning its committee members, and finally succeeded in fixing a building location for Laiji Permanent Housing Village on Forestry Land (林班地) Plot 152. A few day ago, Zhang Heng-yu (張恒裕) Secretary-General of the Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Council, Executive Yuan visited Laiji Plot 152, the final post-Morakot reconstruction site, which is now prepared and awaiting the start of construction work scheduled for October 19; it is hoped building work will be completed before the start of next year’s flood season.

However, Zhang Heng-yu spoke candidly, stating that with such a remote construction site, in addition to narrow roads which are in poor condition, to finish construction before the flood season next year will be no easy feat.

4th Anniversary of Morakot Disaster Series
– Laiji permanent settlement unveils model

88風災四週年系列(4)來吉永久屋基地現雛型 影音





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