

2014/01/15 12:00
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PeoPo推 12




英文翻譯:(來源:peopo公民新聞平台weekly review)

Striving to create an outstanding tourism environment in Chishang – Noisy centipede train raises objections

Renowned in the world of rice production, Chishang Township has been a favorite destination for photography enthusiasts visiting Taitung over the years. From the meandering “Road to Heaven” (Wan-Hsin Road), which seems to vanish into the heavens, to the endless Bolang Avenue, drifting off into the distant horizon, the area boasts countless hidden scenic spots. Following Eva Airline’s advertising campaign featuring international superstar Takeshi Kaneshiro (金城武), and Lin Hwai-min’s (林懷民) decision to select Chishang for the opening performance of‘RICE’ in November 2013, there has been an exponential rise in tourist numbers, catapulting the area onto the international stage. A steady stream of international tourists, including many from mainland China, have been visiting the area to enjoy the idyllic rural setting, where not a single utility pole can be seen.

Though the Chishang craze sweeping over the nation’s cities has been seen in a positive light by locals, recently, a few problems have arisen. In order to drum up business, those engaged in the tourism industry are joining tricycles into centipede trains and proceeding to snake their way up the narrow 6-7 meters wide Bolang Avenue. These activities not only completely disregard the safety of other road users, but also make it very inconvenient for other tourists. Even with other vehicles clearly approaching, centipede trains continue to play their reckless games, putting both motorists and tourists in danger.



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・ 2014/01/15 15:24


・ 2014/01/16 21:26


・ 2014/01/20 16:52


・ 2014/12/15 19:40

Striving to create an outstanding tourism environment in Chishang – Noisy centipede train raises objections
2014.01.21 4:30PM
地區: 臺灣 臺東縣
分類: 社會關懷 生活休閒
標籤: weeklyreview

Renowned in the world of rice production, Chishang Township has been a favorite destination for photography enthusiasts visiting Taitung over the years. From the meandering “Road to Heaven” (Wan-Hsin Road), which seems to vanish into the heavens, to the endless Bolang Avenue, drifting off into the distant horizon, the area boasts countless hidden scenic spots. Following Eva Airline’s advertising campaign featuring international superstar Takeshi Kaneshiro (金城武), and Lin Hwai-min’s (林懷民) decision to select Chishang for the opening performance of‘RICE’ in November 2013, there has been an exponential rise in tourist numbers, catapulting the area onto the international stage. A steady stream of international tourists, including many from mainland China, have been visiting the area to enjoy the idyllic rural setting, where not a single utility pole can be seen.

Though the Chishang craze sweeping over the nation’s cities has been seen in a positive light by locals, recently, a few problems have arisen. In order to drum up business, those engaged in the tourism industry are joining tricycles into centipede trains and proceeding to snake their way up the narrow 6-7 meters wide Bolang Avenue. These activities not only completely disregard the safety of other road users, but also make it very inconvenient for other tourists. Even with other vehicles clearly approaching, centipede trains continue to play their reckless games, putting both motorists and tourists in danger.