太陽花退場疑雲重重 Bus Load of Volunteers Sent by police

Q: "Why are you get on this paddy wagon?" A: "We are going to help moving some supplies to the mountain nearby." Q: "So, where are the supplies? Are you really students? " A: "...."(c.c. 這是台北市某分局協調保一的警備車?~免費載送志工前往陽明山?~然後各個物資站都有北市各分局的同仁?~在場協助維持秩序?)
疑點收集中Clues: 緊急性Emergency?_安置物資暫放地Temperary settlment?_台灣神學院the school upon the faraway mountain?_陽明山NSA also on the mt._土城有?_解釋層級:志工幹部Explained by volunteer_警方(中介者?)太陽花Who's between the police & Sunflower?
PS. 請問有沒有人看到CANVAS出沒台灣?

歡迎轉載分享 媒體聯播Media Broadcast:
-PeoPo公民新聞: https://www.peopo.org/occupytaiwan
-GLOBAL OCCUPY MEDIA: http://globalrevolution.tv
-Revolution News: www.facebook.com/RevNews
-YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/themoslar
-佔領台: https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
Video report in english, Occupy Taiwan 2b continued_sky lee
720P HD高畫質版: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKtCzx0-4Qc

410 太陽光退場(公投盟占領前面不退),大多數學生看完晚會後漸漸散去,這一車支援的警力(靠教育部)撐到最後一刻才回陽明山!