松菸護樹(11)Songyan Trees Falling into Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

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Video report in english, Occupy Taiwan 2b continued_sky lee
720P HD高畫質版: www.youtube.com/user/themoslar

Taipei broke the record in 117 years for the highest temperature since the weather station was built(roughly equals to 37.400 degree Fahrenheit). Taipei suffers from severe air pollution to the degree that the City Government warns its citizens not to expose one’s skin in the rain, worrying the skin might be hurt by the acidic rain. 去年夏天6月30日,台北市創下氣象站設置117年來最熱的記錄。台北市的空氣污染嚴重,市政府提出警告下雨時不能淋雨,因為酸雨會傷害皮膚。
According to the Urban Planning Law of Taipei City, parks and greenies shall be installed systematically and the total area of the park should not be less than 10% of the total area covered by the urban plan. However, it was conspicuous that the 10% of the greenies was frequently absent. 台北市的都市計畫,法定的綠地空地比至少要10%的公園綠地,但是這10%非常顯然是根本沒有的,有的只有「假公園綠地,真容積獎勵」。
The Tree Protection has to do with the quality and the space of where we live. It has to do with the way we choose to treat our soil. It has to do with our choice between permanent sustainability or extinction. 護樹相關的是我們生存的空間和品質,是我們對土地的對待方式,是我們人類走向的是永續生存還是滅亡的選擇之路。
In year 2012, Songshan Park transplanted 894 trees; 45% of all transplanted trees died. According to the director of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Huang Yue-Hsing, the transplant death rate of old trees were as high as 80%. We strongly oppose old trees transplant. Local neighborhood magistrate Li Cai-Jiu and volunteer Yu Yi had made a demand to the Urban Design Committee to redesign to preserve old trees. Growing an old tree was a difficult task, and an old tree concentrates carbon effectively. The Urban Design Committee strongly supports the transplant plan of Farglory Corp. despite of strong opposition of ill executed transplant plan by the committee members outside of Ministry of Interior. 2012年松菸移植894棵樹,迄今已經有超過45%的樹木死亡,根據林試所黃裕星表示老樹移植死亡率是80%,我們堅決反對移植,在地里長李財久以及護樹志工游藝都曾經向都審會要求光復南路和忠孝東路上的拓寬工程應該保留樹木的設計,老樹長成不易,固碳效果好,儘管府外委員反對移植樹木,但是都審會強力護航遠雄的『移植』計畫。
In April 21st, 2014, we witnessed the Farglory Group plucked Indian Sandalwoods brutally as if the precious tree were a radish. We have concluded that this was far from a legitimate transplant but a tree massacre. We have asked the Taipei City Councilor Li Ching-Fung for help and Li immediately held an emergency press conference to ask the City Government to halt the construction. However, the Farglory Group claimed that they have acquired the signed approval from the Taipei Mayor Hao Lung-Pin to perform the transplant and thus refused to stop the tree removal. However, we have not yet received the official document of the signed approval by now. From April 22nd, Farglory group sent troops of workers, tow trucks, and excavators to brutally remove trees in Guangfu South Road and Chung-Hsiao East Road. Tree protection volunteers stood between the excavators and the trees, guarding the trees with their own body. However, more than 70 trees were still forcefully removed. 4月21日我們因為看到遠雄集團的移植工程在光復南路上用極其粗暴的手法像拔蘿蔔一樣的把印度紫檀拔起,這不是移植,這是砍樹,求助市議員李慶鋒緊急召開記者會,要求市政府停工,但是遠雄以取得郝龍斌專簽移植為由不肯停工,但是迄今我們並未收到專簽的公文。4月22日到25日起晚間遠雄出動大批的工人,吊車,怪手用強勢的機械工具把光復南路和忠孝東路的樹拔起,護樹志工氣憤這樣的粗暴野蠻行徑,不惜以血肉之軀擋住工程車和怪手,遺憾的是仍有70幾棵樹已經慘遭毒手。
We had made attempts to inform the Farglory group and asked them to stop ill tree removals through the Department of Sport. However, despite of the fact of brutal tree removal, the officer from the Department of Sport still made a false claim, saying that the removal was a legitimate transplant. We then turned to the Parks and Streetlight’s Office since the ownership of the land belongs to the Parks and Streetlight’s Office. However, the Parks and Streetlight’s Office stated that it was the Department of Sport’s responsibility if the Department of Sports refused to obey the legal requirement for transplant and an official order had been sent to the Department of Sports. The tree protection volunteers filed a police report and claimed that the Farglory Group had not obtained the legal document to allow its transplant construction to be performed legally at night. The report was ignored by the police. And with its excessive wealth the Farglory Group hired more excavators and had made attempts to pull a tree in halves through the walls on the Guangfu South Road with a rope. 我們向體育局傳達遠雄不該砍樹,官員睜眼說瞎話說這是移植,由於地權屬於公燈處,公燈處表示18號已經發公文通知體育局了,體育局不好好移植是他們的事情,而志工以遠雄的砍樹工程沒有合法的夜間砍樹的文件要求停工並且向警方報案,警方不理,而遠雄集團挾其優勢的財力,派出更多的怪手,更試圖從光復南路圍牆內拉繩子將樹拉斷!
It was an inevitable decision for the tree protection volunteers to stand in the way of heavy duty vehicles and hold the trees. The idea of the tree protectors was to ask for proper transplant methods to be performed. However, the Farglory group claimed that road trees cannot afford to be transplanted by the standard procedures designated by the Public Construction Commission, which asked the transplant performer to grow root balls after trimming the roots. The Farglory Group claimed that there’s a danger that the trees might fall if its roots had been cut off. We highly questioned the likelihood for a group as big as the Farglory to not know the fact that the transplanted trees can be protected by frames during the time its roots had been cut off and not intact to the ground. We believe the reason was not out of ignorance of the Farglory group but out of the convention of brutality that were routinely exercised when the ecology, the environment, and the historical heritages came in conflict with the interest of public constructions. 護樹志工只能採取肉身擋車和抱樹,實屬無奈,這只是個簡單的要求『好好移植』的事件,但是遠雄藉口行道樹無法按照工程規範斷根養根球後移植,如果斷根的話擔心樹木有倒塌的危險,我們質疑這麼大的財團,怎麼可能連斷根期可以用固定支架保護樹木的方法都不會呢?原因很簡單,不是笨,是長期以來公共工程對於生態,環境,樹木,古蹟的粗暴成習,可以賺上幾千億的財團,連幾棵樹都不願意留給人!
The Farglory group had claimed that brutal tree removal won’t happen when the convention was held in the Taipei Dome. The claim was proven to be false and it turned out to prove that the Farglory group was a con artists group. And the Taipei Mayor Hao, Lung-Pin did not fulfill his duty to be the good manager of the city’s property, which could be proven by his indifferent attitude and passively allowing the con artists group to cut down the tree. We believe Hao’s deed had abused the power endowed by the citizens. We will file a legal case against Hao for failing legal duty and benefiting certain groups. And at the same time, the tree protection group will continue to occupy and protest until the City Government made apology to the citizen, changed the design of the construction, and planted trees to where they should have been. 遠雄曾經在大巨蛋說明會時承諾不會砍樹,事實上證明這是個詐騙集團。而台北市政府郝龍斌的包庇和粗暴態度以及未能盡到台北市長應為市產之善良管理人的義務讓這個詐騙集團把樹砍掉,已經違反市民所託付的職責,我們將提告郝龍斌瀆職及圖利廠商。同時護樹團體將在此抗議直到市政府願意出面向市民道歉,修改圖面,把樹種回去。

VD report:
How Mayor Cut Our Tree Day & Night 日也砍 夜也砍 台北郝好砍:
Happy Tree Friends Occupy FarGlory Dome 快樂樹朋友佔領松菸巨蛋:
Everything but the Tree 遠雄集團樹綁小孩?:

The Protest Location of The Tree Protection at the Songshan Cultural and Cretive Park.
The Guangfu South Road, Taipei City, next to the construction site besides the Taipei Dome.
The tent that are at the opposite of the Taiwan Cooperative Bank (which nears the Exit No. 5 at the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall MRT Station)