
水庫清淤 除舊佈新

2014/05/25 07:00
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緣由:報導「水庫清淤 除舊佈新」



音樂:創用CC by 街頭藝人桃園大溪橋頭 黃老師

古典吉他獨奏版 0987-182214



有關單位 爲解決水庫 淤積物 清除作業  in order to solve reservoir sediment dredging problems during the operation

所可能 面臨到的 技術及司法問題 it is likely to face some technical and judicial issues

乃結合 學者與專家 So, the scholars and experts are invited to join the project operation

嘗試開發 濃度計與流量計結合 try to develop the combination of concentration meter and flow meter

以作 計量計價的 新技術 to be the the new  technique  for evaluating the  fee paid   to the contractor

經兩年多的運作 已獲致穩定的成果after more than two years of operation have achieved a stable outcome

這技術 在全球 應尚屬第一例this technique should be the first case  in the world

有助未來水庫清淤作業的全面展開 it is great helpful for future reservoir dredging operations in the near future

如果能 清一座舊水庫的 淤砂量 the amount of reservoir sediment that  we would cleanup for an  old reservoir

就相當於 蓋一座新水庫的 蓄水量 could be  equal to the  storage capacity for a new built reservoir


因為台灣目前的水庫 because Taiwan's current reservoir

幾乎個個都要清 所以幾乎... Almost all of them have to be cleanuped.. ...

環保意識抬頭 你要蓋新的水庫也很難due to the environmenta lawareness , it is difficult to build even a new reservoir

那尤其是南部 南部的水庫  especially for the southern reservoirs

水庫大概要蓋 地方也都反對 local people are opposed to build new reservoirs

其實是南部的水庫的量 是很需要but ,In fact, the southern Taiwan is lack of water resources truely

很需要蓋 為什麼 why it is needed to build new reservoirs

因為台灣大概豐枯水期的 南部的差異最大 because the difference of  duration period in wet and dry season in southern Taiwan is probably the biggest

北部大概是六(枯水期時間)比 四(豐水期時間)the north is probably six (  dry season) to four ( wet season )

中部是八比二 南部是九比一central Taiwan  is eight to two, southern Taiwan is nine to one

我們最主要是 做試驗性的計價our most important thing is to do a pilot pricing project

還有去化的問題  and reservoir sediment dredging

如果可以的話 if possible

以後濃度計 這個方式是可行 if the concentration meter method is feasible

那水庫的清淤 是能量的問題reservoir dredging is just concerned about the capacity of the operations

現在一條管線 for example, Now it is just one pipeline

一年可以 五十萬方 500 thousands cubic meters per year

也許以後 在水庫的壩區下游 perhaps in the future in the downstream area of the catachment  of  reservoir

壩的正上游 線狀的配置 just right in the upper part  of the dam with linear configuration of the pipelines

可能也許 四組管線 三組管線perhaps three or four pipelines

這個 我增加能量 大概 then probably the capacity could be increased

一年水庫的清淤量 也許可以達到兩百萬方 the volume of reservoir dredging can reach to two millions (cubic meters)

其他的像 水力排砂還有加強 besides,  hydraulic dredging is undergoing

是希望以後可以 達到我們 沖淤平衡的這一個模式 and, hope the balance situation of input and output of sendiment could be accomplished

可以如果 這個成果 if the achievement of the metheod

大概水利署 還有司法單位 大概都沒有質疑的話 can be approved by water resources agency and Justice system

以後應該是會 照著這個方向來進行 the method could be widely applied for other resources

尤其是南部的 這一些大大小小的水庫 especially for tthose reservoirs in the southern Taiwan



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