政治現金五鬼搬運 Netizens aft Politician$$, More Sunshine than $un$hine Act
Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou has talked about a clean govt & pushed for the Sunshine Act(陽光法案), not once but twice. But, his KMT(國民黨 Kuomintang, Chinese Nationalist Party has always being a force to keep the Sunshine Act in the dark. & the Control Yuan(監察院 Known as contrled by KMT) being the agency responsible for documenting political donations has been lagging in setting regulations to allow public access to those records. More & more citizens felt in need to oversight the Political Donations Act(政治獻金法), as it has become politicians' Fig Leaf(政治遮羞布) due to its multiple loopholes_politicians who have been charged with receiving bribes recently have used the act to claim that their money in question was a political donation & thereby avoid harsher punishments for venality.
Advocates for civic oversight of the legislature and govt, the Citizens’ Congress Watch(公民監督國會聯盟), Alliance of Awakened Citizens(公民覺醒聯盟) & g0v(零時政府 an online community that promotes open data & a transparent govt) criticized the Control Yuan for what they called the procedural barriers it uses to curb citizens' efforts to look into political donations, said that with the legislature set to start vetting the candidates vying for a seat on the Control Yuan, many members of the public are starting to wonder exactly what the institution that has cost them NT$4.5 billion (U$150.3 million) over the past 6 years has been doing.
2 Yuans to Waste酬庸雙院: www.peopo.org/news/247763
#OccupyControlYuan 佔領監察院: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JAbSC19zjA
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-RevNews: Human Struggle for Freedom in a World Divided by Nations.
-公民新聞 PeoPo Citizen Journalism.
-1新聞: 1 news today, doctors away:)
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*OCR(Otaku Character Recognition 宅宅文字辨識) 一項由公民團體 g0v台灣零時政府發起「開放政治獻金」專案,號召網友將「典藏」在監察院的政治獻金報告,以人工掃描、辨識的方式,數位化成真Open Data. 在「十萬鄉民十萬軍」動員之下,不到24小時,總統馬英九、立委吳育昇、張慶忠等7位政治人物的政治獻金會計報告,共30萬筆資料已完成數位化。但監察院提醒,這個行動恐不符合法律規定,希望g0v審慎思考。
魔鬼就在細節裡!如果這些明細藏在監察院,就無法發現像這樣有趣的事實囉:99/11/27,新北市選出第一任直轄市長。朱立倫政治獻金專戶,在 11/27 ~ 11/30 短短四天,像這樣 500 / 1,000 元「人事費用支出」,就洋洋灑灑超過 40 頁,至少 800 筆⋯光是鄉民一不小心,就有這樣神奇的發現,我們相信在圖檔數位化、資料開放之後,鍵盤柯南們一定能更有效率地監督政府、教育政客!
開放監察院 hackfoldr: http://hack.g0v.tw/g0v-cy
共用檔案 google drive:http://bit.ly/g0vCYgoogledrive
鄉民參戰 SOP http://bit.ly/PoliticalContribution
砍柴前先認領 http://bit.ly/CYsunshinetodo thanks to kiang
有圖檔請上傳 http://bit.ly/UploadPoliticalContribution
圖檔處理進度 http://bit.ly/ScanPoliticalContribution / 上傳進度公告:http://bit.ly/ScanProgress
鄉民OCR介面 http://campaign-finance.g0v.ctiml.tw
成果 API http://campaign-finance.g0v.ronny.tw/