藝術 民眾 航空 國際
緣由:報導「藝術 民眾 航空 國際」
音樂:創用CC by 街頭藝人 王憲平老師
Tel: 03-325-8083 0933-778939
1.延續保存文化資產精神 2014桃園地景藝術節要讓民眾看見大園海軍基地藝文園區BOT案 按法定程序進行
各位朋友,桃園正在進行霍夫曼的《月兔》地景藝術節,我剛才寄一封信給荷蘭籍藝術家霍夫曼(Florentijn Hofman),希望他能夠關心及協助桃園航空城自救會朋友。信件內容如下,敬請大家參考:
Dear Mr. Hofman,
Greetings! I hope this email finds you well.
I am Professor Shih-Jung HSU from the National Chengchi University, which is located at Taipei, Taiwan. From Taiwan news reports recently, I know you are invited again to Taiwan and to have the Moon Rabbit land-art festival in Taoyuan. Accompanying with many Taiwanese, I am very happy to know you are back, especially in the very important Chinese season of the Moon Festival.
Unfortunately, I would like to tell you a very sad story which is strongly related with your festival activities. My government used to employ the power “land expropriation” (synonym as: eminent domain, taking, condemnation, or compulsory purchasing) to deprive private property of the farmers, poor and citizens. Even though Article 15 of the Constitution of the country claims that private property should be protected, activities of land expropriation have been frequently taking place in many counties around Taiwan. Among them, the biggest one case in Taiwan history will be the “Aerotropolis” plan in Taoyuan, and the location of your Moon Rabit festival in the old military airbase is included in the terrible plan.
In addition to the two airport runways of the Taoyuan International Airport, the government plans to construct a third one in the northern side of it, and the old military airbase in the south of the Airport will be abandoned. It means the government will expropriate a great amount of private land in the northern side, and land of the old military airbase will be converted into residential and commercial uses. The total areas of the “Aerotropolis” plan are 4,791 hectares, and the government will compulsorily expropriate 3,707 hectares, which is around 17% of the land area of Amsterdam. And, there are around 15,000 houses will be evicted, and 46,000 persons will lose their homes approximately.
A self-help organization has been established by local residents. With assistances from many NGOs and legislators, members of the organization strongly protest against local and central governments. For example, they have demonstrated many times in front of the buildings of governmental offices. They also petitioned to Commissioner Wu of Taoyuan County last night when the Moon Rabit festival was officially opened. They asked him to hold a fair open public hearing. Regrettably, Commissioner Wu rejected their request and brutally uses police power to force them to leave. One member of the organization, Ms. Tsai, was injured and immediately delivered to hospital. At this moment, she is still hospitalized. In addition, an old adult did commit suicide last November.
As I know, your sculptures are not stand by themselves alone. You hope to have local residents to participate, and you also hope them to have smiling faces. In my humble understanding, your great design in the case of Beukelsblauw (2004-2006) stopped the demolition of the old architecture and brought a new life for the architecture, local community, and even the city of Rotterdam. Your wonderful sculptures always bring joyful spirits for the people. As you have said:
“My sculptures cause an uproar, astonishment and put a smile on your face. They give people a break from their daily routines. Passers-by stop in front of them, get off their bicycle and enter into conversation with other spectators. People are making contact with each other again. That is the effect of my sculptures in the public domain.”
Mr. Hofman, would you please assist members of the self-help organization and try to bring back smiles on their faces? Would you please also try to use your Moon Rabit to encourage contacts among local residents, visitors, and governmental officials, especially Commissioner Wu? Would you please try to have people around the world to know the miserable reality of “Aerotropolis” plan? Thank you very much, and I wish you to have a very successful Moon Rabit festival.
Best regards,
Shih-Jung HSU
桃園航空城 開發案的一部份
利用這個基地 作為展出地點
其理念分為 藝術 民眾 航空 國際等 四大面向
建議您 不妨 趁還看的到的時候
找機會 來體驗一下 這裡的時空特色
黑貓 包括這個基地 將隨著歷史
如果我們 不在這邊作
這塊基地 將來沒有了 桃園的歷史少了
那這一點文化局 特別強調 就是說
他們希望 藉這樣一個活動
跟黑貓的棚 跟他的歷史紀錄
那這一點 我們是非常認同的第一點
所以 在這個前提之下
我們也設計了 非常多黑貓相關的產品
包括八十幾個 小矮人 小黑貓
因為有一些東西 過去 就沒有
我們得到亞洲藝術公司 映象畫廊
他現在 作為六道輪迴
這個產品 當年在巴黎最重要的
龔嘟姆的廣場中 作策展的
那洪易的作品 更沒有話講
他們非常慷慨的 借出了
二十件 洪易的作品
洪易 是近年來所有的 藝術家裡面
在本土裡面 他不管 在色彩 在設計上
非常的有 強烈天真的 這種意味
在這樣大的 一個場地裡面去展覽
在地景 將要消失的時候 藝術是永遠存在的
從九月四日 到九月十四日
我們歡迎 所有的朋友來
以後你一輩子 再也見不到
所謂的 黑貓基地
也看不到這個所謂的 這樣大的 一個場地