
Jinshan fire fishermen hold fast to traditional fishing skills

2015/06/09 14:40
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PeoPo推 0

Holding fast to the traditional fishing art of sulfuric fire fishing, a group of 50-plus fishermen gathered at Huanggang harbor in New Taipei City’s Jinshan District on May 9 to celebrate the start of the annual herring season. Using the only four remaining sulfuric fire-fishing boats in the world, the elderly fishermen are illuminating the summer nights of Jinshan’s Huanggang harbor.

With over 30 years of fishing experience, elderly fisherman “A-tong” embodies the spirit of this fishing art. Shouldering the responsibility of keeping this unique fishing art alive, at close to 70 years old, A-tong carries the fiery torch to search the ocean surface for signs of herring. Clutching the flickering torch at the bow of the boat he ignites sulfur carried in his hands making a “boom” sound as it hits the water, forcing the shoal of herring to jump out of the water.

At the command of A-tong’s whistle, the fishermen on board begin to haul in the catch. Though sulfuric fire fishing has gradually disappeared from our harbors and keeping this traditional art alive faces tremendous challenges, locals are hopeful that this traditional part of Jinshan’s culture will survive long into the future. 

Jinshan fire fishermen hold fast to traditional fishing skills 








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