
Taipei is a city that places great importance on protecting its cultural heritage. Really?

2015/09/16 14:13
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The International Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA), an influential scientific committee working under UNESCO, held its 25th biennial conference in Taipei this year. In his opening speech at the symposium, Chairman Andreas Georgopoulos said on his arrival in Taipei, he deeply felt that “Taipei is a city which places great importance on and has a high level of sensitivity for protecting its cultural heritage and cultural assets”.

On September 7, numerous cultural organizations gathered outside the symposium’s closing ceremony at China University of Technology to make an appeal. Rebecca Lin (林怡君), the main organizer of ‘Protect Nangang Bottle Cap Factory’, said it was ironic that in the pursuit of urban renewal interests, Taipei had damaged its cultural heritage more than countries which had undergone periods of wartime.

She added that the preservation status of a number of sites, including Nangang Bottle Cap Factory (南港瓶蓋工廠), Taipei Brewery (建國啤酒廠), Sungshan Tobacco Factory (松山菸廠), and Taiwan Railway Bureau (鐵道部), were all deeply concerning. 

Taipei is a city that places great importance on protecting its cultural heritage. Really?




聯合國國際文化遺產檔案委員會(簡稱 CIPA),2015年第25屆雙年大會,首度在臺北市舉行。CIPA是聯合國教科文組織底下,相當具有影響力的一個科學委員會。CIPA 主席 Andreas Georgopoulos 在開幕致詞時表示,他來到臺北後深覺『臺北是一個重視古蹟保護、對文化資產保存具有高敏感度的城市』。




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