
發給美國臉書創辦人Mark 的英文信函

2016/07/04 00:58
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An open letter regarding hate speech and Facebook policy in Taiwan.

Dear Mr. Zuckerberg,

I thank you for your attention to this serious matter, which affects Facebook's integrity in my country, Taiwan, R.O.C.

On behalf of many of us in our Facebook group, I wish to bring to your attention to those who are using Facebook to make racial attacks, suppress free speech and dissident political views. Even worse, this seems to be supported by Facebook Taiwan administration itself, hence my urgent letter to you.

There is great unrest in Taiwan right now, with many in the ruling DPP party calling for total independence from China. Many people have conflicting views and tempers are running high. Unfortunately, this situation on Facebook has devolved into racial attacks and hate speech focussed on ethnic Chinese people.

For example, a certain user repeatedly posts incitements to burn the flag of our country, R.O.C, and profane, racially abusive and hateful statements towards Chinese. This runs afoul of Facebook's terms of use. Unfortunately, Facebook in Taiwan has shown extremely uneven and unfair application of policy. When reporting this hate speech and racial attacks, no action was taken. Whereas my account was blocked for supposedly "posting images of under age sexual acts". No action has been taken against those who falsely accused me of this.

It is the apparent policy of Facebook in Taiwan to take sides politically, and to attempt to silence the speech of dissident views. Taiwan Facebook is strongly biased towards the regime currently in power, intolerant of opposing views, and this is reflected in the application of policy.

My friends in this group have experienced similar discrimination and unfairness at the hands of Facebook Taiwan, and encouraged me to come forward and ask for your attention to this matter. We do not ask for special treatment, just a level playing field, fair treatment, and a safe place to express ourselves, free from racial attacks, hate speech and punishment for false accusations. We are grateful for your time, and hopeful that our grievance will be addressed.





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