
Edible landscape greens up the city - Farming experience energizes the community

2016/12/15 15:32
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New Taipei City’s Ruifang Park recently planted a herb garden to become the area’s first edible landscape. Combining the elements of edible food, aesthetics, and relaxation, the park has used a previously idle area within the community to create a space brimming with vegetables, fruits, and herbs. This has not only helped to beautify the community landscape but also transformed a piece of wasteland into a thriving green space. 

Last year, New Taipei City began promoting the development of edible landscapes. Organic farming not only provides a safe source of fruits and vegetables but also reduces carbon emissions from the delivery process; surplus produce also supplies community activities to provide meals to the elderly. Edible landscapes not only provide a recreational area for local residents but also farming experiences for people living in the busy city, which increases the knowledge of farming and fosters community exchange. In addition to government and community cooperation, the promotion of edible landscapes also relies on public participation in order to foster an awareness of community cohesion and the concept of eco-friendly environments.

Edible landscape greens up the city - Farming experience energizes the community



可食地景綠化都市 農耕體驗活絡社群






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