
Sun Moon Lake swimming carnival -an Ironman-style challenge for Taiwan’s youth

2018/09/27 09:37
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PeoPo推 0

At the break of dawn, many people were busily preparing for the 2018 Sun Moon Lake International Swimming Carnival, a major event in Puli each year where participants swim from Chaowu Pier (朝霧) on the north side of the lake to Ita Thao Wharf Pier (伊達邵) on the south side, covering a total of 3,000 meters. This annual event attracts enthusiastic participants not only from across the length and breadth of Taiwan but also from far-flung places around the globe.


Swimming across Sun Moon Lake, climbing Yushan, and cycling around the island has become an indispensable Ironman-style right of passage for Taiwan's youth. While swimming, one must overcome the ever-changing outdoor environment and the fear of swimming in such a deep body of water. To ensure safety, participants are required to wear a uniform swimming cap and carry a torpedo buoy. Hopefully, counties and cities across Taiwan will begin to actively promote swimming so that many more children can take part in Taiwan's increasingly famous Sun Moon Lake International Swimming Carnival.










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