
Gentle Breeze over the Thousands of Miles of Bamboo Flute

2019/01/06 22:09
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PeoPo推 7

United a famous Finnish pan flute player and a Taiwanese Elementary school teacher.

What kind of opportunity is it that let Finnish Pan Flute player and classical composer Stefan Stanciu came to Chiayi?
A few messages on Facebook 
started to link a fate across the thousands of miles.
In the evening of 12/15 at the ChiaYi High School Music Hall 
the "Wind bamboo Recall Concert"



the main performance Mr. Stefan Stanciu played pan flute 
and Chiayi Bo-Ai Elementary School’s teacher Mr. Tsai Hsueh Jen played Chinese bamboo flute and Xiao
brought a wonderful cross-border and cross–domain dialogue to the audience.
In addition two players using their own strengths
played out the various local styles of songs with Chinese bamboo flute and Xiao 


then invited Taiwanese composer Mr. Li Zhenyin
take a part of Taiwanese folk songs named ” June Jasmine”, “Riverside spring dream”, “Rainy night flower” and other tracks.
While the pan flute of the west, Chinese bamboo flute and Xiao of the east played in Taiwanese folk songs
presenting a blend of Chinese and Western culture.
It also tells the story of the thousands of miles of music to bring a harmonious and melodious music feast to the audience.
This close affinity is extraordinary.
It crossed a million miles from 60.1°N (degrees north latitude) in Nordic country 
to Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N (degrees north).
It is the wind rising music combined with western pan flute, eastern flute and Xiao made from bamboo.
It is the passion to bring communication and friendship between countries in the North and the South.
These will become wonderful memories in the future.

Citizen reporter Yu Teng Shiu
Interview report in Chiayi City

Anchor:Yun Ting Zheng(鄭云婷)
Translation:Abraham Abadi(史博宇)
                       Lisa Huang   (黃善真)






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