
希臘 法拉沛咖啡 (Frappe)

2019/08/01 07:00
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緣由:報導「希臘 法拉沛咖啡 (Frappe)」


地點:新竹 竹北 


I Love Greece by GSFmusic


1. Frappe Vs Freddo: The Battle of the Greek Summer Coffees



希臘著名的 法拉沛咖啡 (Greek Frappe)

其上層是 厚厚的 黑咖啡氣泡

而下層 則是 純水

當上層的 黑咖啡 慢慢 向下沉澱時

咖啡會由 淡淡的 清香

轉為 濃濃的 醇香


the coffee is up here and the foam (咖啡高到這裡 這是咖啡泡沫)

slowly slowly go down you can see the flow (慢慢流下來 你看這個流動)

so if  you drink fast  its going to be very light (如果你喝很快的話 味道就會很淡)

so if  you drink slowly its stronger(如果你喝很慢的話 味道就會很濃)

ok I see (喔 我知道了)

because the coffee is going down (因為咖啡向下流)

for example (舉例來說)

I will bring my coffee (我拿我的咖啡來)

for example  I drink it from maybe two fours  (例如我喝這個 大概兩小時前)

I drink very very slowly (我喝得很慢)

now its very strong you see the black (現在很濃了 你看這黑色的)

so slowly slowly the foam  would become less (所以慢慢的 咖啡泡會變少)

and the water would become more (這個水會變多)

the coffee will be stronger (咖啡會變濃)

so the coffee is from Greece (所以咖啡是從希臘來的嗎)

Yes Frappe (是的 法拉沛咖啡)

you can find only in Greek the type of coffee (這種咖啡 只有在希臘)

Frappe  (法拉沛咖啡)

here in Taiwan they mean everything been shacked (在台灣就像 手搖杯 )

Frappe is only go for this kind of coffee  (法拉沛是指這種 泡沫咖啡)

because it is made by that (因為 他是這樣做(搖晃)的)

but the coffee beans the specific coffee (但這個 特別的咖啡豆)

found only in Greece in NESCAFÉ company (只有在希臘的 雀巢公司)

in Europe France company for this coffee (在歐洲的法國公司 製作這種咖啡)

but the coffee only for Greek no one else drink it (這種咖啡 只有希臘人喝)

only Greek cant find anywhere (只有希臘有 其他地方沒有)

I bring it from Greece (我從希臘 帶來的)

its very special thank you (這個 很特別 謝謝你)

I like it (我喜歡這個 法拉沛咖啡)

but I think it is one of the best coffee you can find here (我認為 這是 這裡 最好的咖啡)

because Taiwan drink coffee from 7-11 family Mart ( 因為在台灣喝咖啡 從 7-11 全家超商)

the coffee bean is very low quality (咖啡豆的品質 較差)

why its convient it is easy (這是 為甚麼會方便 因為比較簡單製作) 

this is cheap and convient too (這個也是 便宜方便)

but it is slow you can drink longer (但慢慢地喝 你可以喝久一點)

so when I drink this(當我喝這個的時候)

should I put the straw here or here here ( 我要把吸管 放在這裡 這裡 或這裡)

you dont drink the foam if you drink the foam its very bitter (不要喝咖啡泡 如果你喝的話 他是苦的)

put here (放在這裡)

oh I see (喔 我懂了) 

if you drink fast would be lighter (如果你喝的快 就會淡一點)

if you drink slowly its stronger (如果你慢慢喝 就會濃一點)




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