
The rebirth of consignment shops : Rekindling Keelung’s golden era

2020/12/28 10:35
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Keelung Port was once the busiest port in Taiwan. Many merchant ships would sell foreign goods through consignment shops while passing through Keelung Port, transforming it into a Mecca for imported goods. At that time, many people from the upper class would shop there, and in Keelung's heyday, Consignment Shop Street was a hub of activity.


However, society gradually changed with the passage of time, and in 1979, Taiwan opened up for tourism, expanding the trade market and initiating a decline in consignment shops. In recent years, young people in Keelung have begun returning to their hometowns and attempted to revitalize the concept of consignment shops, using this charming characteristic of Keelung to attract tourism. Nowadays, holiday markets and guided tours are regularly held in Consignment Shop Street, attracting tourists with a combination of history and innovation. Hopefully, such activities can spark a new golden era of consignment shops just like the good old days.




委託行重生 基隆繁華再造








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