
Severe water shortage forces farmers to pump groundwater for irrigation

2021/06/07 15:32
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PeoPo推 0

Water restrictions have tightened further in Taiwan, and some areas of Chianan were forced to stop irrigation during the first phase of rice cultivation. Many farmers had to switch to pumping groundwater to irrigate their fields.  According to monitoring data, the groundwater level in Chiayi District has dropped by a meter since the same period last year. The drought and water shortage have significantly reduced agricultural yields. Because groundwater levels have dropped, the amount of water able to be pumped has also fallen sharply, leading to an increase in the time required to pump groundwater and a subsequent surge in electricity bills. The current situation for farmers is highly challenging.


Water restrictions in Chiayi are now on orange alert for "reduced water supply." If the water shortage continues to worsen, the country may face an even more severe drought. At this difficult time, everyone must work together and save water if we wish to survive the drought.



缺水嚴重 抽地下水灌溉成現況










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