
Minxiong Dashiye Temple displays Taiwan's unique temple culture

2021/10/28 10:28
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Located in Minxiong Township, Chiayi County, the Dashiye Temple is a Grade 3 historic building. The main deities worshipped at the temple are the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (觀音大士) and Dashiye (大士爺). In Taiwan's folk belief, Dashiye is one of few deities that don't have a solid statute to worship. However, the temple is still a local center of faith and preserves the historical memory of Minxiong.


The ceremony of Dashiye held in “Ghost Month,” observed in the 7th month of the lunar calendar, is a unique salvation ceremony during the Ghost Festival in Taiwan. The temple makes a paper-mâché statue of Dashiye and enshrines it in the main hall for the public to worship. At the same time, a ceremony is held for three consecutive days to redeem the ghosts and spirits. At the end of the festival, the paper-mâché statue of Dashiye is "cremated and ascends to heaven" according to local belief, symbolizing the saving of wandering souls and the elimination of disasters.


台灣獨有廟宇文化 民雄大士爺廟







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