
Dear president Ma

2010/08/06 00:08
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PeoPo推 1
......My request is simple: please judge Tai Ji Men's tax lawsuit as per facts and investigation done by the supreme court and the Control Yuan. Please let our people believe that the government is reliable and fair. The government and the people are not supposed to be in opposition but cooperation. I trust you, we trust you, president Ma. We have got so much hope in your government, so please don't let us down. ......
Dear president Ma,
I am a Taiwanese living and working in the Netherlands. I am also a dizi of Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy for 15 years already. I am writing you today to express my opinions about the public hearing held on June 17th concerning Tai Ji Men's tax lawsuit with the Tax Administration. 
First of all, I am really glad to see that our legislators such as Ms. Tien Chiu-Chin (田秋堇) could stand out to speak for Tai Ji Men's case and strive for justice in terms of judicature and taxation. My question is simple: the supreme court has affirmed that Tai Ji Men is innocent, and all charges are dropped. Why, then, the Tax Administration insists to fine Tai Ji Men when there is no crime committed? Tai Ji Men dizi clearly define the red envelops for Shifu as a personal gift instead of tuition fee, because Tai Ji Men is never a cram school for qigong but a traditional kungfu menpai – always has been, and always will be. The red envelope we offer Shifu is a way to express our gratitude, and there is no commercial meaning or fact attached. I have talked about this issue with quite some European friends, and they seem to understand the idea even just by associating with what they see from some kungfu movies. So, why our own people who share the same cultural background persist to reject the idea, and refuse to respect other people's free will? 
I translate Tai Ji Men's case for some foreign friends, and they are extremely shocked to know that a cultural kungfu menpai that promotes love, peace and human rights would ever be accused as fraud and "keeping little devils" which is extremely ridiculous and unbelievable, as Taiwan is considered a developed country, but the judiciary system could be so backward and out of reason. Now, when we finally get to be cleared for those fabricated charges, once again we are trapped by the Tax Administration accusing us of a guilt that's negated by the supreme court. It's been more than ten years, how much more time and social resources we still need to waste on this absurdity? When can our nation finally returns us justice and peace? 
For those damages that have been done to us and our families, we are doing our best to heal and let go. However, we are not able to accept the fact that our government – or part of our government repeats the mistake and persecutes the people. There are more than 10 thousand Tai Ji Men dizi out there striving for the justice in this case, but how about those common people who can only fight alone? Would the government ever hear their voices? 
My request is simple: please judge Tai Ji Men's tax lawsuit as per facts and investigation done by the supreme court and the Control Yuan. Please let our people believe that the government is reliable and fair. The government and the people are not supposed to be in opposition but cooperation. I trust you, we trust you, president Ma. We have got so much hope in your government, so please don't let us down. 
I still remember when I studied my BA in National Chengchi University, I once went to your speech with my classmates. I remember your impressive manner, your intelligence and eloquence, and we all believed that one day you'll be more than the Taipei City's mayor. It's been seven years since then, now there you are, as our president – our nation's captain leading us to a better place. I am hoping so much that one day I can tell my foreign friends proudly: Taiwan is an island full of justice and hope. 
Thank you very much for your time and consideration. 
Yours sincerely,
Yin-Chun Liu
Leiden, the Netherlands
July 11, 2010


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