
The Fifth International Forum on Marine Spatial Planning and Bycatch Mitigation 第五屆漁人論壇

2010/08/08 17:23
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This time the Declaration:
Recalling that the central objective of convening the Fifth Internation......

August 3 -5 2010, Taipei. Taiwan.This time the Declaration:Recalling that the central objective of convening the Fifth International Fishers Forum was to bring the fishing industry into the relatively recentDialogue of approaches for applying marine spatial planning and management; Further recalling that a second central objective of convening the Fifth International Fishers Forum was to evaluate progress made during the Period of the Forum series in mitigating interactions with sea turtles, seabirds, sharks and marine mammals and to identify priority conservation and management areas in need of increased attention to ensure long-term environmental and socioeconomic sustainability; Recognizing that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization defines marine spatial planning as, a public process of analyzing and allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities in marine areas to achieve ecological, economic and social objectives that are usually specified through political process; Further Recognizing that marine spatial planning can be used as a tool avoid and minimize conflicts and sustain ecosystem functioning and services,comparable to land-use planning but in the ocean; Considering that the efforts of the fishing and that broader seafood industry to initiate or improve coordination with other industries thatUse and affect marine resources will contribute to successful mitigationOf the some of the main global drivers of change and loss in marine biodiversity including marine pollution the spread of invasive alien species and climate change, which adversely affect the fishing industry; Recognizing that the Convention on Biological Diversity’s scientific criteria for identifying ecologically or biologically significant marine areas in need of protection has potential for use as a tool to guide marine spatial planning with implications for zoning marine capture fisheries; Recognizing that the bycatch of certain species groups, including seabirds, sea turtles marine mammals and sharks, is an ecological concern as they are particularly vulnerable to overexploitation of older age classes, can decline over short temporal scales and are slow to recover from large declines; Further recongnizing that the bycatch of juvenile and undersized individuals of target species can exacerbate the overexploitation of some stocks and is an allocation issue between gear types, beween small scale and industrial fisheries and between coastal and high seas fisheries; Considering that the provide a vital source of food employment recreation trade and economic well-being for people throughout the world both for present and future generations as stated in the FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries as well as FAO’s Kyoto Declaration on the Sustainable Fisheries to Food Security   Acknowledgging that since the First International Fishers Forum was convened a decade aga the Fishers Forum series has catalyzed substantial progress in developing and the sharing of knowledge of effective methods to mitigate problematic bycatch in pelagic and Demersal longline fisheries  We commercial fishers management authorities experts in marine spatial planningfishing technology experts seafood retailer representatives marine ecologists and fisheries scientists participants of The Fifth International Fishers Forum on Marine Spatial Planning and Bycatch Mitigation declare that we will carry out suppout the following actions: 1.     Recognize the important role of marine spatial planning and management in the conservation of marine resources while acknowledging that such planning and management in areas of the high seas should be addressed by the competent regional fisheries management organizations.2.     To ensure that the marine fishing industry has an equitable voice in decisions on spatial and temporal allocations of marine fishing industry in broad, cross-sectoral marine spatial planning and management;3.     Ensure that socioeconomic effects on fishing communities are fully considered in future marine spatial planning activities;4.     Support the use of relevant marine spatial planning tools to contribute to the equitable and sustainable allocation of fishery reso



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