

2010/08/22 11:53
4,075次瀏覽 ・ 3次分享 ・ 22則留言
PeoPo推 2

Dear President Ma:

In 2003 I attended a peace conference in Arosa , Switzerland , where I had the honor to meet your classmate, Professor Tu Weiming of the Harvard-Yenching Institute. During our conversation, I told him that I was a survivor of the Khmer Rouge regime and that I had lived in Taiwan many years. He mentioned you, and spoke very highly of you, saying that you were the right person for the presidency of the Republic of China.

During the 2008 election, many of us from Taiwan took special trips back to Taiwan to support you. We believed your leadership would make a difference, would return Taiwan to the international community. As President of the Republic of China, you have not failed us. You have demonstrated your integrity and your concern for the well-being of all the citizens of the Republic of China.

I believe that you have some knowledge of the Tai Ji Men taxation case. The good intentions of the Tai Ji Men dizi have turned into a nightmare for our Shifu. Under my Shifu’s guidance, for many years I have improved my spirit and health. It is a Chinese tradition that dizi or children repay their Shifu or parents by giving them gifts on special occasions such as birthdays and New Year. The gifts we gave to our Shifu belong to a category of income that is exempted from income tax according to Act. 4(17) of the Income Tax Act, yet Prosecutor Ho falsely claimed that cash gifts from the Tai Ji Men dizi were tuition in a cram school and sent false information to the National Tax Administration. Based on these false claims, the Tax Administration is now attempting to levy heavy taxes and severe penalties on Tai Ji Men and our Shifu without further investigation. Furthermore, the Tax Administration has directly issued tax bills without waiting for a criminal judgment against Tai Ji Men. This is a serious violation of tax law.

According to a notice issued on June 20, 1997 by the Department of Education of Taiwan Provincial Government, martial arts groups teach folk skills and are therefore not classified as cram schools. A further notice, issued on December 24 1999, ruled that the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy is not a cram school. Yet the National Tax Administration has continued to impose cram school tax rates on the Academy. The Tax Administration has treated gifts from Tai Ji Men dizi as tuition income from a cram school and multiplied the total cash flow of Tai Ji Men and Shifu’s bank accounts as the total taxable income.

The Tai Ji Men taxation case is an instance of oppression by the Tax Administration which has lasted for more than ten years. With the support of its dizi, the Tai Ji Men Academy has struggled to stay afloat. My Shifu and the dizi of Tai Ji Men did not want to disclose the injustice that the government has done to the Academy because of the damage it would do to the image of the Republic of China. However, the Tax Administration has now gone too far and has violated not just our tax rights but our human rights. As a member of the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, my human rights have been violated.

My husband, a retired Foreign Service officer, worked for the Department of State for many years, so I have had several opportunities to perform jury duty in the United States both in District Court and the Circuit Court. That is why I know a little about American law, and my experiences have strengthened my concept of law. While discussing the case, each juror has an opportunity to express himself and respect others’ opinions. Then they finally reach the verdict in a fair manner. This is a concrete way to put human rights into practice. It is a pity that we do not have a system of Jury Service in Taiwan . Citizens of the Republic of China are too often at the mercy of the control of law enforcement officers.

In the United States , an official or public officer who does something dishonest will immediately get in the newspapers, while in the Republic of China, officials who get salary from taxpayers knowingly violate the law. They protect each other, are able to get away with wrongdoing and even get promotions. Due to the flaws of the tax system and the judicial system, our human rights are not protected. We hope that you, President Ma, will dispense justice and withdraw all illegal tax bills, in accordance with the 117th article of the Administrative Procedures; otherwise, to catch up with developed countries, the Republic of China still has a long way to go.

Respectfully yours,

Josette Ogle

From Florida , U.S.A.







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omega8989777 (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/26 09:08


Willie (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/26 09:15


路人 (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/26 09:40


小青 (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/26 15:52


讚! (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/26 21:10


sister (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/29 13:37

In reply to by 讚! (未驗證)


小洪 (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/27 23:32


曾裔水 (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/30 15:01


樂樂 (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/30 18:59


講理 (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/31 09:42


doitright (未驗證) ・ 2010/08/31 15:22


心痛的人民 (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/01 12:03


無法理解的人 (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/01 17:16


Linda (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/01 19:32

馬總統:聞聲救苦 還記得您在簽署國際人權公約時說過:人權最大的迫害來自於政府。因此,台灣不是只有司法需要改革 ,稅務體制更要改革。畢竟,法定課稅權就是以公權力徵收人民財產,更需要國稅局「依法」執行,而非任意妄為。

小丸子 (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/01 23:34


CKK (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/02 15:39


mountlake (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/03 03:55

馬總統: 您好



治國有方 同胞安居樂業

tony.taichu (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/06 14:32



roy (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/07 08:52

In reply to by tony.taichu (未驗證)


tell (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/08 14:02


萬力 (未驗證) ・ 2010/09/08 14:17
