
國立中正大學哲學系 學術演講公告--Prof. Chris Naticchia

2010/08/30 23:32
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講者:Prof. Chris Naticchia (訪問學者)

Department of Philosophy

California State University(San Bernardino)

講題:Recognizing States: New Theory, Old Problem

時間:99/9/3(五) 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.



Chris Naticchia (Ph.D. Virginia 1995) - Professor

E-mail Chris Naticchia – Phone: 909-537-7583

Professor Naticchia specializes in moral, political, and legal philosophy.

His research focuses on domestic and international justice and human rights.

His latest publications include: “The Law of Peoples: The Old and the New,”Journal of Moral Philosophy 2, no. 3 (November 2005) [special issue on Global Justice]; reprinted in Thom Brooks and Fabian Freyenhagen (eds.), The Legacy of John Rawls (London and New York: Continuum, July 2005); “Recognizing States and Governments,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35, no. 1 (March 2005); “Explanatory Unification and the Demystification of Ethics,” Southern Journal of Philosophy 42, no. 2 (2004), 237-259; and “Recognition and Legitimacy: A Reply to Buchanan,” Philosophy & Public Affairs 28, no. 3 (Summer 1999), 242-257. 

He is also co-secretary of the Law and Philosophy Discussion Group of Southern California.




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