太平洋東北海岸~三貂角燈塔 Sandiao Cape Lighthouse
太平洋東北海岸~三貂角燈塔 Sandiao Cape Lighthouse
據傳西元1626年,西班牙船艦由菲律賓開抵臺灣東北角海域,因不詳地名為便於記載航海日誌,便以拉丁文命此地為San Diego(聖地牙哥)這是西班牙人的習慣以「聖 San」為開頭,為外國人最早對臺灣東北角的記錄。然而英文發音不準~成為“三貂”臺灣話 “三條狗”;早期本地先民便以此譯為閩南語音「三貂Sandiao」,「三貂」地形是臺灣最東北部的岬角(Cape),因此而稱此個地名為「三貂角Sandiao Jiao-Cape」。
The Northeast Pacific Coast,Sandiao Cape Lighthouse
Constructed in 1931, Sandiao Cape Lighthouse sits at the eastern most tip of Taiwan. The Lighthouse also called as "Eye of Taiwan". "Sandiao" is a Taiwanese translation of "Santiago", the name given to this area by the Spanish when they discovered the cape. This is a popular destination for catching the earliest dawn rays to shine in northern Taiwan.
The old warehouse, which has been idle for a long time, lately this has been renovated with church-shaped round arches architecture and stained glass, just look like a European-style church , therefore, it is commonly called the "Church of Sandiao Cape", rather than a church that really open to the public.
於宜蘭礁溪轉運站,搭乘台灣好行東北角海岸線~綠19,在終點站 馬崗(三貂角燈塔)下車。 三貂角,位於新北市貢寮區三貂角岬角處,遠眺山腳下之馬崗漁村。
Take the Northeast Coastline Bus ~Green 19, from Jiao Hshi Bus Terminal then get off at the final destination bus stop, Magang Fishing Village.
三貂角燈塔 ~Sandiao Cape Lighthouse