
Grandparents Life Story Project allows rural children to learn STEAM education

2024/06/01 23:26
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The plan includes the five requirements of the SDGS to establish peaceful coexistence and identity across generations.




The "Grandparents Life Story" project planned by Peggy Chang, the youngest winner of the Social Education Contribution Award, not only opens up "STEAM" education learning to rural students in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, but also integrates the emotions between grandparents and grandchildren across generations.

Through STEAM education, rural students can learn multiple abilities




This project uses smartphones to enable rural school children to learn digital technology and photography techniques, and to combine photos using mobile phones and computer software. In addition to making images, schoolchildren must also write life stories of their grandparents and learn the art of communication through interviews, questions and writing. The final product was made into a picture exhibition and published as an e-book, so that school children can get a full range of learning possibilities.

Children from elementary school in Xinzhuang, a remote village, participated in using smartphones to create a story about their grandparents spanning half a century, which complies with the five contents of the SDGS




Xinzhuang Elementary School in a rural area of ​​Kaohsiung City is a primary school with less than 50 students. It has been combined with the "Grandparents Life Story" Project since 2020 and has now created images of the life stories of 70 grandparents. Through the interaction with these once young Dialogue and communication with older people who have passed through this period also allows schoolchildren to understand the process of life and know that everyone was once young, so they respect their elders in the family more. Through publication, these stories will maximize their communication function, allowing cross-generational dialogue to begin, and meeting the five requirements of the SDGS: Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Reduced, Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, and Justice and Strong Institutions.







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