
Understanding Formosan Rock Macaques: Tips for Coexistence

2024/07/09 09:28
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PeoPo推 1

In recent years, with the shrinking habitats of Taiwan macaques and frequent human-monkey conflicts, the Association for Coexistence with Macaca Cyclopis (ACMC) has been working to change the negative perceptions caused by misunderstandings. Through ecological tours and educational outreach, they promote friendly interactions with macaques. They regularly hold "Hiking with Monkeys" guided tours in the Shoushan area, laying the groundwork for human-wildlife coexistence.

The activities start with an introduction to the unique characteristics and behaviors of the macaques, before leading participants willing to explore the macaque world in Shoushan's macaque ecosystem. Here, participants can gain a deeper understanding of the macaques' last remaining sanctuary. Before the tours, educational sessions cover important points on how to safely encounter macaques. The tours also include information on identifying the gender of macaques, their matriarchal society, and the current threats they face. Through these educational walking tours, participants learn about the ecological habits of the macaques and how to coexist peacefully with them. The ultimate goal is to foster mutual respect and understanding, ensuring sustainable coexistence and harmonious interactions between all species sharing this land.


認識臺灣獼猴 共存有撇步





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