

2011/10/08 19:29
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◎法廣  瑞迪




臺灣企業富士康在中國各地的超大型工廠生產著蘋果集團的iPhone和 iPad產品,這是蘋果集團成功的手段之一。約伯斯嚴格有時甚至是荒謬的要求不斷造成社會後果,富士康的員工,甚至是那些蘋果集團自己的員工對此都再清楚不過了。





上個月,五個非政府團體聯合發表調查報告,指責蘋果集團非常清楚iPad 和iPhone生產造成大量有毒垃圾的事實。至少27家可能是蘋果集團供應商的企業可能都對不同程度的破壞環境事件負有責任。









Green activists in China target alleged Apple suppliers


By Steven Jiang, CNN
September 30, 2011

Suzhou, China (CNN) -- In the shadow of the bustling Kaedar Electronics plant a brightly colored kindergarten sits somewhat incongruously, its playground usually empty.

"Teachers always keep the windows shut," explained 3-year-old Wei Xiwei, who attends the community facility but is rarely allowed outdoors.

In Tongxin, a small village on the other side of the factory, the young have long gone, leaving only the old and frail behind.

"If we don't get moved out, I'll just die here soon," said 75-year-old Lu Baoyun.

Young and old, locals living around the Kaedar plant near Shanghai in eastern China, blame the same thing for disrupting their lives: fumes from the factory. Residents say the strong odor sickens them.

Kaedar reportedly produces casings for Apple's popular iPhone.

With the help of concerned citizens, a coalition of grassroots environmental groups tracked alleged polluters like Kaedar during a seven-month investigation and recently published their findings in a 46-page report titled "The Other Side of Apple (Part II)."

"They say they are committed to ensuring the highest standards of social responsibility," said Ma Jun, director of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs who led the effort. "If they can't manage their supply chain, it's just empty talk."

Contacted by CNN, Apple declined to name its suppliers in China but past news reports indicated Kaedar and many of the 21 other companies listed in the environmentalists' report manufacture parts for various Apple products.

Apple insists it requires that suppliers "use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made." Kaedar would not comment for this report.

The activists also produced a video that features accusations from people living near what they say are Apple suppliers in various parts of the country. In one part, a fisherman in central China is seen rowing his boat along a small river discolored with a yellow hue, allegedly the discharge from two local factories - one believed to be an Apple supplier.

Apple declined to address specific allegations and referred CNN to its latest progress report on supplier responsibility. In the document, the company stressed that it aggressively monitors factories in its supply chain with regular, on-site audits. Apple also said it addresses relevant issues with nongovernmental organizations and industry groups.

Ma said Apple has talked to his organization and he was encouraged by the company's follow-up. But he emphasized public scrutiny is the key in combating environmental violations and said his group will continue to name and shame big brands.

Some 30 kilometers west of Tongxin Village, in an industrial park dotted with factories churning out electronics for the global market, residents at the Phoenix City high-rise housing complex echo the activists' sentiment.

They have been complaining about the same problem as the Tongxin villagers, from Catcher-Topo, an expanding electronics plant right next to their apartments and reportedly another Apple supplier.

"Health can't be the price of wealth, right?" said resident Miller Xu. "In a few decades, if your health is ruined, it wouldn't matter how much money you have."

The 33-year-old engineer said he is considering moving so that his toddler son would not have to breathe what he believes is "toxic air."

He added the residents' experience has given many pause for buying Apple products.

Apple has seen phenomenal sales growth in China and opened Asia's largest Apple Store in Shanghai last week. The company announced in July its revenue from Greater China reached $8.8 billion for the first three quarters of this fiscal year, an increase of more than sixfold compared to the same period last year.

"I don't have an iPad or an iPhone mainly because I can't afford them," Xu said. "But I heard many people



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丸子 (未驗證) ・ 2011/10/09 01:35
