
Christmas gift form Child fund Gift of Love & hope

2011/12/21 22:01
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Instead, consider honoring someone with a unique gift, such as a goat or a chicken, through ChildFund’s Gifts of Love & Hope catalog.

This holiday season, you have the opportunity to change a life. A gift of chickens for a family in need will open the door to self-sufficiency and good nutrition. A gift of education for a girl will transform despair into hope.
Find the perfect tax-deductible gift on behalf of your family and friends on our website: www.ChildFund.org/Gifts.
As a special thank-you for your generosity if you order $100 or more of catalog items, we'll give a mosquito net in your honor to protect a child from malaria. But hurry! Offer expires December 31, 2011.
On behalf of the children, thank you, and have a wonderful holiday. Here are some examples of gifts that will save lives and bring joy to children:

Give a Vegetable Garden

Vegetable gardening is an effective way for families to feed their hungry children and earn extra income. Your gift includes improved varieties of seeds, each selected to thrive in the local environment. Families and schools in Bolivia, Brazil, the Caribbean, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya and Timor-Leste will benefit from your gift.

Vegetable Garden Where the Need is Greatest
ID: #49970




A Chicken Farm
for a Family
in Brazil

ID: #49934

Scholarship for a
Girl in Ethiopia


ID: #49986

A Gift of
Clean Water
for Children

ID: #50069

In fiscal year 2011,
83 percent of all expenditures went to program services.
Learn more


A member of
ChildFund Alliance



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