
Huge waves pound Orchid Island causing severe damage

2012/09/04 16:58
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On the 28th August Typhoon Tembin took a sudden change of course violently attacking Orchid Island. Landslides caused by giant 5-6 meter waves brought in with the powerful southwesterly weather front resulted in the destruction of the farmer’s cooperative market and local gas station. The fuel tank in the gas station was also unable to withstand the attack of seawater and was eventually washed away. “Typhoon Tembin’s return path was slightly different from what the Central Weather Bureau forecast and huge waves resulted in sever damage to a number of areas: the road beside Orchid Island Elementary School was badly damaged, the fence alongside the airfield was completely washed away and a number of resident’s homes suffered serious damage” said Orchid Island Disaster Prevention Center officer Xie Han-Zhong.

In addition to sections of the island highway near Hong Tou and Yeyou village that saw serious damage, the typhoon’s destruction was also clearly visible in the harbor where in the region of 40 boats lay damaged. Currently, many sections of the highway are blocked from landslides and workers sent by the township office are in the process of clearing the debris. Residents in the worst hit area of Yeyou, where the farmer’s market and gas station were washed away are surviving on sweet potato and taro.

Wrecked vessels in Kaiyuan Harbor have already been salvaged and much-needed supplies are expected to reach the islanders by 30th August. Hsinfa Marine Transport has already confirmed it is sending a large cargo ship to the island with much needed supplies. Orchid Island is heavily reliant on boats for the transport of goods, so with around 20 boats wrecked following the assault of Typhoon Tembin, things are going to be tough. Over a period of two grueling days, islanders worked hand in hand to salvage the damaged and wrecked boats, clearing the way for a cargo ship to enter the harbor on the 30th. From the 31st August, the Orchid Island Star is expected to resume normal passenger crossings from Fugang.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Huge waves pound Orchid Island causing severe damage (by CJ miyowyaw)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/100140




大浪侵襲 蘭嶼建築物遭嚴重破壞 ( miyowyaw )






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