
Police use excessive force against anti- InfraVest Yuanli residents

2013/05/07 10:46
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PeoPo推 1

On 22nd April, German firm InfraVest Wind Power Co. (英華威集團) began construction work at its new wind turbine project adjacent to the fishing port in Yuanli (苑裡), sparking several protests by Yuanli Self-Help Organization against Wind Turbines (苑裡反風車自救會). On the 27th April, meeting with a strong police presence, a number of local residents and supporters of the protest were forcibly arrested, their freedom and liberty denied through the use of handcuffs, before being bundled into awaiting police vans.

Those arrested were detained at the police station for over 10 hours, before being transferred to the district prosecutor’s office. However, this failed to bring any halt to the controversy or resistance for this engineering project, which threatens both the health and livelihood of local residents. On morning of the 29th, local Yuanli residents decided to risk their lives by engaging in a peaceful sit-in on the road, where they blocked cement trucks entering the construction site; no one anticipated the rough and cruel treatment they would be subjected to by police.

Even more controversy was raised after 6 residents and 14 students were arrested without warning by police using heavy-handed measures. The 20 protesters were handcuffed, and thrown into awaiting police vans for merely engaging in a peaceful protest march. In the early hours of April 29th, three local Yuanli residents made their way to the construction site and chained themselves to the mast base, fully prepared to be buried in the cement. The police used hydraulic shears to cut the chains and yelled at residents who had mounted the tower cylinder; residents were directly handcuffed even before they had time to come off the tower.

In solidarity with the students’ sit-in, residents stood on public land, where they peacefully expressed their demands. They called on InfraVest Wind Power Co. to resist from forcibly continuing the construction project, and instead engage in peaceful dialogue with the residents. Incredibly, the police immediately utilized batons and handcuffs, illegally arresting 14 students on the scene, and taking them to the police station.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 傑利

Police use excessive force against anti- InfraVest Yuanli residents

苑裡鄉親平和阻英華威施工 警上反銬爆執法過當






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