
Following in steps of our ancestors through the nose flute

2013/10/09 10:47
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Having survived for countless generations, the survival of the Paiwan (排灣) tribe’s enchanting nose flute sound is threatened by modern civilization. Those still living and capable of passing on this art, face a difficult job in imparting this important part of Paiwan’s cultural inheritance to the young generation. The Bureau of Cultural Heritage (文化資產局) and Chinese Folk Arts Foundation (中華民俗藝術基金會) raised a research and study program at Sheng Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines (順益原住民博物館), taking participants from the production of nose flute to playing basic melodies; to everyone’s surprise, it turned out that making a Paiwan nose flute wasn’t so hard after all.

After finding a piece of bamboo with a suitable length and diameter, the bamboo is cut at a node and the area sanded smooth; this forms the mouthpiece. A file is then used to cut a 0.7 cm blowhole at the mouthpiece, and any extra length of bamboo cut off. After testing the tone, the bamboo is baked dry and fingering holes drilled at distances to complement one’s hand size; at this point the flute is more or less finished. The sound of the nose flute can convey a whole spectrum of moods, from intense love to grief-stricken mourning.

In the past, only men with high-standing in the tribe were permitted to play the flute, and Sauniaw Tjuveljevelj (少少妮瑤), who has devoted her life to passing on the art and culture of the Paiwan nose flute, is the first woman to break through this cultural tradition. The nose flute issues an extraordinary sound akin to weeping which transmits the mysterious and spiritual wisdom of the Paiwan people. Making a nose flute isn’t too difficult; the real difficultly lies in ensuring that this beautiful instrument, a symbol of the Paiwan tribe’s ethnic culture, remains alive into the future.

Following in steps of our ancestors through the nose flute








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