Dear Chairman Yeh, Dr. oooo Wang, and All NE-ESS Alumni,
Please read the very serious news below and all comments on the news.
Some comments might be from some engineers who might work at the Taiwan Power Company #1, #2, #3, and #4 Nuclear Power Plants.
If these engineers dare to tell the facts and the truth, then the People of Taiwan can know what really occurred in TaiPower Nuclear Power Plants #1, #2, #3, and #4.
The same TaiPower Nuclear Power Plant #3 had a nearly nuclear core meltdown disaster in 2005 or 2006 (?).
At that time, a Typhoon hit Taiwan, and the electrical power supply from outside was cut off.
At the TaiPower Nuclear Power Plant #3, the backup diesel generators (4 out 5) did not work.
When the #5 backup diesel generator finally worked several hours later, there was no cooling water circulation into the nuclear reactor cores (tow nuclear reactors) for several hours which might cause the nuclear reactor core meltdown like the Japan Nuclear Power Plant Disaster two years ago, now and in the future.
Dr. Wang,
Please comment on my text above and the news below.
I say that you are not smarter than me again when we were in the Nuclear Engineering Department of National Tsing Hua University, HsinChu, Taiwan, and now (even you are a professor at GATech).
Based on the long discussions during the past eight months, I am sure that you are one of those PhDs (not all PhDs) who are without Common Sense and especially, without Basic Conscience.
The current Taiwan government leaders have PhD degrees, but they have no Common Sense and no Basic Conscience.
This is why they want to sell the beloved country Taiwan and the People of Taiwan toCommunist China as soon as possible.
Please read the text (in Chinese) which is copied from my 1994 article to the Honorable Dr. Yuan-Tse Lee.
看到今年 (1994) 台灣有12萬人報考研究所,聽說必須上補習班才能考上研究所,中國文化自古以來,八股取士的風氣不改。年輕人從小就為考試而唸書,養成拿到碩士,博士學位而不會思考,還自以為是專家而看不起一般老百姓的怪現象。台灣主政者以為考試是讓年輕人不會思考、不會造反的最好控制方式。其實今日世界各國科技進步,若台灣養出一堆只會考試而不會思考的碩士、博士,怎能期望台灣能發展成開發進步的國家。台灣的老百姓要自己覺醒,培養常識判斷分析的能力,不要看到某些博士專家,就覺得他們的話全部是對的。其實專家看事情,反而因為涉及自身的工作利益,老王賣瓜,自賣自誇,所做出來的建議並不見得客觀正確。
常識與學位之-1 ~~ 勿把台灣老百姓當傻瓜 (October 1994)
*這篇文章歡迎登載傳閱,作者本人負起所有責任 ~~ 電機博士 蘇志銓
Tsing-Hua University, NEB1976, NEG1980
---- Jim Su, NE1976, NEG1980, PhD in ECE, CISSP
「狀況類似車諾比」 核三跳機急停
才完成大修 就出狀況
飼水泵跳脫 水位過低
控制棒插入 免於大禍
核廠跳機 今年已4起