
集會阻擋法101-水蜜桃 Sudden Peaches

2014/06/20 22:58
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航空城縣府駁回「公審航空城大遊行: 反貪腐、反迫遷、要聽證」預定(6月22日)於縣府廣場旳集會申請: 6月18日,縣府突然告知主辦單位"桃園在地聯盟",廣場當天要給原民局卡位舉辦水蜜桃活動,請聯盟另覓他處。


AirCity Plan Forced Landing #Taoyuan
Rally Vd report: www.facebook.com/RevNews/posts/332132936940275

Taoyuan the Workers' County, held its 1st civil protest march on Sunday from recent years. Because of the Aerotropolis projects for national development will gain some for the few(may mot be there) & lose many for the residents(there).

About 500 1st time protesters, with the help from many civil groups & activists from Taipei, gathered at the Taoyuan Station square, marched through the city center, to the Taoyuan Govt. Shout out「反貪腐 Anti-Greed & Corrupt‧反迫遷 Anti-Eviction, Anti-Land Grab‧反洗腦 Anti-Brainwash‧要聽證 Public Hearing」Along the way! They even blocked the traffic in front of Taoyuan Govt with a walk-stop, kneel-pray slow motion march. BTW. Taoyuan Govt also prepared a last-minute peach sale party & a group of opposition force waiting for them.

*桃園航空城 The Taoyuan Aerotropolis is one of President Ma Ying-jeou’s i-Taiwan 12 Projects for national development and a flagship that integrates Taiwan’s sea and air transportation infrastructure. Encompassing a 4,791-hectare area, the project includes the renovation and expansion of 桃園國際機場 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport and establishment of residential, commercial and special industrial areas as well as a Free Trade Zone. The development project is scheduled to be completed by 2030 at an estimated cost of NT$463 billion (US$16 billion).

*桃園 Taoyuan County, population: 415,431 people, is a county in northwestern Taiwan. Home to many industrial parks and tech company. Taoyuan County's easy commute to New Taipei and Taipei City causes it to be the most immigrated county in Taiwan. On 25 December 2014, Taoyuan County will be reorganised as a special municipality named 桃園市 Taoyuan City.


-桃園在地聯盟、航空城反迫遷聯盟、桃園教育產業工會等公民團體: 桃園縣府只給遊行 不能集會, 所以我們即將在桃園縣府門口, 推出全國走最慢遊行 一小時走10公分, "只要我們有在走, 就不能算集會." 


-為了阻擋公審航空城的集會活動, 桃園縣政府原民局的官方網站,在6月20日有這個水蜜桃活動資訊!?




Media Broadcast媒體聯播(歡迎轉載分享)
-Revolution News: www.facebook.com/RevNews
-公民新聞: https://www.peopo.org/occupytaiwan
720P HD高畫質版: www.youtube.com/user/themoslar



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