餿油更新(0916)Oil Scandal Update: Gutter oil as food oil, 780 tons sold on the market
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
-Whistleblower threatened by 'men in black'
Police in Taichung yesterday received reports from several elderly farmers of suspicious “men in black” that were allegedly looking for the old farmer who filed complaints about tainted oil manufacturer Chang Guann (強冠).
-Chang Guann chairman indicted over scandal
The Pingtung District Prosecutors Office yesterday applied for Chang Guann (強冠) Chairman Yeh Wen-hsiang (葉文祥) to be indicted over his involvement in the recent tainted oil scandal after an interrogation session in which Yeh appeared uncooperative.
-Tainted food recalls continue as 78 vendors named
One of the biggest food product recalls in the nation's history continued yesterday as health authorities identified more vendors who used tainted oils.
-Jiang sorry for two years of food scares
Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) apologized to the public for the lard oil scandal after opposition parties boycotted his scheduled policy address yesterday morning on the first day of the new legislative plenary session.
-Food violation penalties are utterly useless
The latest tainted cooking oil scandal, involving reputable midstream and downstream manufacturers, has left people wondering whether the current legal constraints are sufficient to prevent the spread of unscrupulous behavior. After the plasticizer food scare of 2011, legislators, in a bid to dissuade food manufacturers from using harmful additives
*Briefs fr Taipei Times / The China Post
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
-Philippines orders Taiwanese foodstuffs off shelves
-Oil scandal spreads to China and Hong Kong as domestic food companies affected by the food safety scare, such as Gourmet Master Co., the operator of 85oC Bakery Cafe, and Wei Chuan, have begun pulling their products from store shelves in Shanghai.
-Int'l team works to convert waste cooking oils into biodiesel
Waste cooking oils can be still useful if treated properly, says Aharon Gedanken from the Department of Chemistry at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan
-Government ineptness behind scandals: academics criticized the government’s efforts to crack down on food safety violations, saying that the snowballing recycled waste oil scandal highlights a lack of inter-ministerial cooperation and the ineffectiveness of the food safety management system.
#Eat fresh, avoid oils, experts say!
*Briefs fr Taipei Times / The China Post
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
-Kong Yen apologizes for use of tainted oil
-ISO, HACCP, GMP,Halal certificate fail to keep track of ingredients. Consumers' Foundation bastes minister, FDA
-Polluted cooking oil in famous stores that bought polluted cooking oil products from Chung Guann Co., Ltd. 強冠公司. 1,255 household food brands were drawn into the snowballing recycled waste oil scandal.
-EDITORIAL: Heavy punishments the only answer2014-09-08
Less than one year after the industrial starch and adulterated oil cases sparked a nationwide food scare, a new tainted oil scandal has hit consumers at a time when the public prepare to eat mooncakes and barbecue with family or friends in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
*Briefs fr Taipei Times / The China Post
Gutter oil, also known as drainage oil, is recycled oil collected from various sources such as kitchen fryers, restaurant drains and grease traps. It is mainly used in the production of soap.
At least, 780 tons of processed lard oil were divided into 51,700 cartons and marketed as fragrant lard oil 香豬油 under its cooking oil brand, Chuan Tung 全統, and that 48,500 cartons had been sold.
"SGS guarantee of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation 食品安全衛生管理法 cannot protect us now. We thought this will only happen in China, now, it is all over Taiwan. Are there any safe food on the shelves?". Many people complained & felt like there're not much they can do.
油溶性多重累積性毒物,都在這些爛油中,絕對不能吃,絕對要小心,慢性病,癌症,骨骼,心血管疾病,神經性病變,腎臟病......, 甚至影響胎兒。毒油就是毒油,吃不得啊!奸商與政府讓我們要吃,百姓要自保,拒絕啊!
不少網友都說: 沒有黑心商品,只有黑心商人,不能讓這種企業發達起來。夭壽! 別人的小孩毒不死_油電雙漲根本是騙局 :(
2014/09/06 主婦聯盟環境保護基金會: 餿水劣油伴中秋,失職政府亮紅燈!http://www.huf.org.tw/essay/content/2660
去年大統油事件發生後,主婦聯盟環境保護基金會即追蹤我國政府對食用廢油的管制措施。以往,廢食用油並未納入應回收廢棄物之列,直至經濟部於2002年開放各回收商回收廢食用油後,環保署才於2007年正式將廢食用油列為部分事業的廢棄物清理計畫的應填報項目。不過,廢食用油市價甚高,加上這並非環保署公告之政策,所以環保署只採「低度管理」,並沒有積極追蹤回收廢食用油之去向。雖然,環保署曾於2007年建置線上廢棄物管理系統,要求各縣市回收業者申報回收後之廢食用油會如何處理和數量,但這只是一個短期的計劃!計劃結束、人去樓空,究竟還有多少地方政府在申報呢?加上廢食用油的終端處理之再利用廠商有可能離開原地方環保局的管轄地,追蹤流向不易。結果變成中央把皮球踼給地方,地方又把皮球踼回去!現�œ �,我們沒有足夠的廢油回收統計數量基礎、加上環保署、各環保局超低的查察清運商、回收商、再利用廠商頻率。這種「低度」管理,是真心保障國民健康?還是要縱容不法業者、與其狼狽為奸?
三、正當食藥署的17名前線基層的稽查與檢驗人員拼命為全國市民的食安做最後把關時,我們的政府高層卻在此時反向站在食品業廠商的立場,公開評定此次食安風波為「綠燈」!即對人體健康有潛在風險的「餿水劣油」,只是一桶桶標示不實、無礙健康的「劣質豬油」!衛福部以這種高傲、自私的態度,加上狡詐的話術來愚弄大眾、耍弄常要出入火海的前線人員, 這種政府官員,是真心想要為民眾把關食安的嗎?
#Ebola 伊波拉還沒來_餿水油已經餵飽 #反資女力 #WACTaiwan 提醒大家一起來譴責只剩1頭豬油的餿福部 環保署/衛福部「低度」管理,變相縱容不法業者,狼狽為奸...出來跪下台!! ~反資女力聯盟 Wemen Against Capitalism Taiwan https://www.facebook.com/wactaiwan
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