
A new road for Zhazao (fried glutinous rice balls)

2014/11/19 14:31
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Zhazao were a culinary delicacy and integral part of the elderly generation’s life on the island of Penghu. From marriage and completing the building of a new home, to the launching of boats, no occasion was complete without them. People from rural communities of the past would take a portion of Zhazao to the fields with them, making this highly sweet glutinous rice delicacy an unforgettable memory for the elderly generation. 

Over time, however, changes in eating habits left Zhazao outmoded, and the skill required to make this delicacy gradually vanished. On graduation from university, Chen Zhi-ming (陳志明) decided to remain on Penghu and continue in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, learning the art of making Zhazao and developing the family’s food business. After opening a new shop, he began offering DIY classes in making Zhazao and rice-cake turtles, as well as changing the packaging of traditional food products.

For example, he redesigned the packaging for Penghu peanut-based delicacies such as peanut candy, peanut flour tea, and seaweed rice popcorn, exchanging the former plastic zip-bag packaging for a jar and adding the words “Fortune of Penghu,” together with a cute family drawing. With Chen Zhi-ming’s newfangled packaging ideas already attracting the younger generation, his hope that Penghu’s tasty delicacies remain alive into the future is becoming a reality. 


A new road for Zhazao (fried glutinous rice balls)







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