
Indigo dyeing renaissance in Hakka village

2015/04/29 10:29
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Few people are aware that in the 18th century Kaohsiung’s Meinong village was a center of indigofera plant cultivation and production of indigo dye in Taiwan, which was one of the main industries in the country at the time. In the wake of the Industrial Revolution, the cheapness and speed at which chemical dyes were produced had a huge impact on traditional Taiwanese handicraft industries.

Then, with the introduction of tobacco cultivation to Meinong during the Japanese colonial period, and falling prices of traditional indigo dye, memory of the indigofera fields gradually vanished from the hearts and minds of Meinong people. Recently, however, teachers and students at Hunag Xing Elementary School (廣興國小) have been working hard to bring back the indigo tradition to Meinong. The indigofera plants are started from seed and planted out in the fields when the seedlings are about 10 cm high, which improves the plant’s chances of survival. 

Principle of Hunag Xing Elementary School, Xie Hu-jun (謝惠君), said that resurrecting the traditional “skills” and “memories” of the indigo industry is extremely important for Hakka culture. It is hoped that students will use the age-old wisdom and deep cultural base of past generations to breathe new life into the indigofera plant.



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