
Residents strive to restore disaster stricken Wulai streets

2015/08/25 15:41
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In the wake of typhoon Soudelor, the tourist district of Wulai’s ‘Old Street’ in Taipei has been left in ruins. On August 19, eleven days after the storm struck, residents in the area were still in the process of cleaning up their homes. In the previous few days, countless young people and Tzu Chi volunteers have arrived to aid the cleanup work, which has provided valuable assistance to cleanup workers in restoring the roads to normal.

As a result of a southwesterly wind, a weakening high-pressure in the Pacific Ocean, and convection-driven weather effects, there has been torrential rain in the afternoons, causing continuous rock falls. This has given engineers no alternative but to brave the rain in order to restore the main thoroughfare in Wulai, which currently still has traffic controls in place. 

With its basement still full of mud, Wulai Hot Spring Hotel (烏來溫泉大飯店) suffered the greatest damage of any business in Old Street – the fact that the area is still without running water is making things even more difficult. The road foundations leading to Yunhsien Dreamland (雲仙樂園) and Wulai Waterfall (烏來瀑布) have been almost completely destroyed, as have the foundations below the tracks for Wulai Mini Railway (烏來觀光台車) – it looks particularly dangerous!

With no running water, local residents took the initiative and laid temporary water pipes, providing access to spring water. Though this has greatly aided the cleanup operation, after 11 days, the job is still far from complete. Wulai residents have no alternative but to continue with the cleanup operation and look forward to the day when things will eventually return back to normal. 

Residents strive to restore disaster stricken Wulai streets 



深入烏來老街重災區 居民努力恢復家園






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