
Nanao’s Jinyue village elders go home to pass on Atayal cultural heritage

2015/10/13 15:41
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Situated in Nanao’s Jinyue Village, teenager Chen Peng-ling (陳芃伶) has organized a project called “Helicopter Travel to Realize One’s Dream”, helping village elders return to their former tribal villages. Chen Peng-ling hopes that by returning back to their old villages and reliving the life that they were forced to move away from in their youth, the tribal elders will be able to recall important memories of their former tribal live.

When the tribal elder’s dream was finally realized after untold difficulties, it was clear that it had reignited a great deal of enthusiasm for their former tribal life. After returning home, the elders formed a club where they now draw, dance, sing and weave cloth together, ensuring that Atayal culture is passed on to future generations. Through a great deal of hard work from the village youth and community, the very fabric of the tribal community is being slowly rebuilt, where the youth and elders are jointly weaving a new future for Jinyue Village. 

Nanao’s Jinyue village elders go home to pass on Atayal cultural heritage 








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