
The community getting “Young”! Old and young tell stories together

2015/11/05 11:46
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At Dazhou Train Station in Yilan County, 78-year-old Grandpa Chen (陳爺爺) has walked away from his familiar life in the paddy fields to take up the role of tour guide. Standing in front of rows of photographs, Grandpa Chen tells the story of his home county, where he has lived for decades. It turns out that the exhibition’s creative idea came from a local youngster who spent her summer vacation taking photographs of community elders in and around Dazhou, snapping up the beauty of the area through the eyes of local residents. 

Dazhou Train Station was formerly one stop on Taiwan Sugar Railways’ (台灣糖業鐵路) extensive series of narrow gauge railways, the rail tracks of which are no longer visible today. It was not until a photography exhibition initiated by the director-general of the community association attracted a steady stream of visitors, that the train station began to see new life and forge a heartfelt link between the old and young in the community.

Through a combination of the photographic expertise of local youngsters and elderly residents’ profound understanding of the local area, the young and old of Dazhou have jointly pieced together a stunning array of wonderful memories from the local community. 

The community getting “Young”! Old and young tell stories together









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