台南後壁無米樂【自己村落自己救】菁寮社規師黃永全執行長0931033700企劃執行,國際經濟商管學生會AIESEC國際志工馬來西亞的蔡秉益同學來菁寮無米樂社區,建構【中英文】「微電影」「網站」,體驗台南後壁菁寮無米樂社區,建構英文網站紀錄人情味 ,打開國際觀光客深入台灣老舊貧瘠農村生活體驗旅遊,地產地銷農特產品,留在鄉下民宿住一晚。
感謝幫助我們台南後壁菁寮無米樂社區營造,農村再生,文化觀光,社會企業,社區文化產業經濟發展之路的好朋友們 ,有您們大力協助,讓我們老舊貧瘠農村得以永續經營,過全家福闔家歡的好生活。
WUMILE had proved that an agricultural developed village able to transform became an attractions for tourists.
From time to time, WUMILE had transfromed into an attractions for tourists through changes and advertising.
There are many tourists come over to WUMILE for its specialties.
In WUMILE, there are golden paddy fields, 300 years old water well, historical church and 100 years old school.
金黃色的稻海 Golden Paddy Fields
歷史悠久的菁寮天主教堂 Historical Church
300多年的荷蘭古井 300 years old water well
百年歷史菁寮國小 100 years old school
In Jing Liao Old Street, there are historical wooden houses and shops that are selling items that needed in traditional weddings
歷史木屋 Historical Wooden Houses
傳統嫁妝用品 Traditional Wedding Items
有興趣者可以尋找社規師社企導覽老師黃永全執行長 (0931033700),企劃全年度~菁寮一日農夫的體驗,農村再生,老街社造導覽,感恩割稻飯,手工DIY,稻米文化館,無米樂荷蘭井湧泉民宿,菁寮農村生活體驗博物館,伴手禮半日,一日,二日旅遊,後壁菁寮老街合法唯一的社企民宿,來農村百年三合院鄉下住一晚。
If you are interested with the activities and wish to experience the countryside life, you may contact the Director of the Homestay, Mr. Huang (093103700) for the further information. He will make various types of planning based on your personal interest such as 1-day farmer experience, Handicraft DIY, Museum visiting, 1-day trip, 2 days’ trip and you can stay in the unique and historical homestay for a night.
「AIESEC 國際志工 蔡秉益 報導」