
Honeybee Garden

2016/10/26 10:55
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Happy Farm (快樂蜂場) is situated in Maokong’ Muzha District near the Camphor Trail, an area blessed with some incredibly picturesque rural scenery. Established by honeybee expert Mr. Wang Ying-zhang (王英章) on his retirement, the farm is an apiary and teaching center that is home to tens of thousands of honeybees, both indigenous Taiwanese honeybees and Italian honeybees.  

The structure of honeycomb is an area that most people show extreme curiosity towards and Wang Ying-zhang uses his own uniquely humorous style of teaching to answer visitors’ queries. Mr. Wang said that the structure of honeycomb is divided into three general sections: the upper honey storage area, the lower brood-raising area, and the central pollen area. The pollen area is used to segregate the upper and lower spaces, which are responsible for carrying out different tasks. Taiwanese wild honeybees consider limitations in hive space and therefore tend to stop collecting nectar before they make large amounts of honey. Italian honeybees are different in this regard and have no restrictions on their nectar-collecting period, sometimes producing a great excess of honey.

For these small honeybees, the number one enemy is the Asian giant hornet, which makes surprise attacks on hives and kills honeybee larvae. In response to such attacks, Wang Ying-zhang uses a small fishing net to catch the hornets, which are then placed into a bottle of Chinese rice wine to produce an age-old Asian tonic. 

Honeybee Garden










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