
Cherishing our blessings – Hakka opera gives thanks

2017/09/26 11:01
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PeoPo推 2

Forty or fifty years ago, following the busy autumn harvest each year, Hakka villages would invite drama troupes to perform Hakka opera as an offering to the gods. Such events were not only a way to celebrate the harvest festival but also allowed villagers to let their hair down and have some fun. So at any temple drama, you could be sure to find a throng of adults and children sitting on stools under the temple awning, waiting for the sound of the drums to herald the start of the performance.


Sadly, today, traditional Chinese opera is already in great decline and performances usually attract only a few old people, sometimes no one at all – such performances really are for the gods alone! 


This year, Taoyuan Department of Hakka Affairs and Hsi Fu Temple cooperated to host the Hakka Cultural Festival, at which a dozen traditional Hakka dramas were performed. Organizers hope that the event will be able to attract large crowds and introduce more people to the fun of traditional Hakka opera.













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