
Singles day shopping festival? - The forgotten day of memorial

2017/11/21 14:47
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PeoPo推 1

It seems that the Chinese Singles' Day on November 11 has been transformed into a day of crazy consumerism overnight with a rapid rise in e-commerce sales. However, in this atmosphere of frenzied consumerism that has seen shoppers flock to the checkout, how many of them know that it is also Remembrance Day?


Remembrance Day commemorates the end of World War I on November 11, 1918, and all the military personnel who died in the line of duty during the 2 world wars; therefore, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia and other places hold a grand memorial each year.     

On this day, the people of Europe and the United States are accustomed to wearing a red poppy on their breast as a sign of respect for the soldiers that died in battle as well as the for the many innocent civilian casualties. So, next year, in contrast to the crazy consumerism of Chinese Singles' Day, hopefully, people will also pay some attention to this historic and meaningful day of remembrance.










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