
Lobsang Bookstore builds literary awareness in rural communities

2018/01/17 09:15
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The main aim of Lobsang Bookstore is to assist school children in rural areas and kick-start good reading habits in the community. The bookstore operates very much like a community library, but in addition buying books, you can also borrow them. With more than 7,000 titles available for borrowing, the bookstore is providing local youngsters with a treasure trove of reading resources.


Manager Hao He-li said (郝荷麗): “Rural areas aren’t short of storybooks, but of people to guide and accompany children.” In collaboration with National Chung Hsing University, books are taken to rural mountain communities, where volunteer college students accompany the kids and provide concrete assistance, rather than merely throwing resources into the area with no comprehensive strategy.


In addition to working with National Chung Hsing University, Lobsang Bookstore regularly visits the children’s wards in local hospitals, taking picture books for sick kids to read. Manager Hao He-li believes that contact with literature from an early age not only cultivates children and develops their ability to think logically but is also a solution to the disparity between rural and urban education.



店長郝荷麗說: 「偏鄉學童缺少的不是故事書,而是導讀、伴讀的人。」與中興大學合作,將書藉載到山上與偏鄉學童分享,透過大學生志工的陪讀,給予孩童實質幫助,而非治標性的注入閱讀資源。





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