
Wetland restoration of Xizhou Ecological Community

2018/06/13 18:03
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Located downstream of Shihmen Reservoir, Xizhou Community is a place that even Daxi locals aren’t too familiar with. Surrounded on both sides by Dahan River, in former times, people required a boat to arrive at Daxi Main Street.

Twenty to thirty years ago, this relatively remote corner of Taiwan became a paradise for the illegal mining industry. The excavated earth and rocks left potholes that became rubbish dumps, and several artificial lakes were formed over many years; however, because of the chaotic state of the area, it was a place no one dared to go. A member of the association responsible for the wetland restoration, Lin Yu-wei (林育緯), said the first jobs were removing accumulated garbage and creating walkways throughout the parkland. Following this, zones were created - a firefly zone, a butterfly zone, a bird-watching zone, and a turtle-rearing zone - and various shrubs were planted to support their growth. He said the association is striving to promote ecological restoration that involves no human interference apart for maintenance work.







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