
Painting Talk – finding value in life through the brush

2018/07/20 10:24
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Following graduation from high school, many children with severe physical and mental disabilities are unable to enter the workplace or continue onto higher education and end up having no choice but to be cared for at home. Spending long periods alone at home, they lose their ability to interact with people and focus in life. The frustration and dejection they face is unacceptable to both parents and educators. Taiwan Painting Talk Association founder, Tsai Qi-Hai (蔡啟海), believes an art syllabus can help students with disabilities reestablish a link with society. Moreover, it is hoped the creative process can assist the kids to build confidence and find meaning and value in their lives.

Taiwan Painting Talk Association has already become the focus in life for many students. Therefore, the association is striving to establish a garden complex that includes an art studio-cum-coffee shop, where students whose parents will slowly lose the ability to care for them over time can earn a living for themselves by selling artwork or simple meals. The project provides the children with the hope of becoming independent one day in the future.







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