
Guided nature tours raise eco-awareness in parents and kids

2018/09/13 14:53
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Cellphones, televisions, and tablets are just some of the many electronic gadgets that fill our fast-moving lives. But how long has it been since you breathed in the fresh air of nature? The fact that most children today have few opportunities to connect with nature makes them highly susceptible to "Nature-Deficit Disorder," which is characterized by a lack of both concentration and creativity.

With nature playing such an essential role in the formative years of children, an eco-studio has decided to design an educational course that helps to reconnect parents and children with the big outdoors and rekindle their love for nature.

Since people tend to direct little concern or effort towards things they don't understand, eco-education is needed to help people reconnect with their natural surroundings. The founder, Xiao Mao (小毛), said that through helping people to reconnect with nature, we will hopefully be able to face the pressing environmental issues of today. By failing to act now, we are merely passing the buck on to future generations, who will be unfairly forced to confront and handle these ecological problems someday down the line.








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