

2019/03/07 13:55
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Mayor Han to Visit US Prestigious Universities and to Attract Business Investment in April

At the invitation for speech from Harvard University and Stanford University, Mayor Han will visit the United States during April 10-18, 2019. In January, five professors from Harvard University came to Kaohsiung to invite Mayor Han for speech; the invitation letter officially came in the following month. Also in February, the invitation came from Stanford University, inviting Mayor Han to share his experience as the Mayor of Kaohsiung and his vision for taking the city to a new height.

The itinerary will cover Boston, Los Angeles and the Silicon Valley to encourage US investment to Kaohsiung. Mayor Han also plans to visit high-tech industry, learn more about venture capital investment and trends of new economic era, in the hope to raise the international profile of Kaohsiung and to welcome the world to participate in Kaohsiung City’s coming development. Monte Jade Global Science & Technology Association has kindly agreed to assist for part of activity arrangement in California, including attending its 2019 Economic Forum.

Mayor Han expresses gratitude for all the incoming invitations following the first news on his US trip. As there are only six days staying with an extremely tight schedule, Mayor Han extends his sincere appreciation for those invitations that he could not carry out.





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