
Returning to simplicity – Memories of Wangchia Temple Station

2019/05/27 14:05
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Temples are a cornerstone of faith in village life, connecting the hearts and minds of residents. Between Qiyan and Qilian metro stations on the Taipei to Tamsui line, there is a place called Zhen'an Temple where the five deities known as Wangyeh (Royal Lords) are worshipped. Before the metro was built, this temple was known as Wangchia Temple Station on the Tamsui railway line. Zhen'an Temple and Wangchia Temple Station have a long history and inseparable relationship.


Wangchia Temple Station was established by the Nationalist government to operate on the existing Tamsui railway line built during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan. The origin of the station name is based on the deities (Wangyeh) worshipped at Zhen'an Temple. However, due to a translation error, Wangye Temple was misrepresented as Wangchia Temple. At the time, Wangchia Temple Station was one of very few stations named after a temple.


Although Wangchia Temple Station is now only a distant memory to most people, Zhen'an Temple in Beitou is still as vibrant as ever, and Wangyeh continues to protect the local people. No doubt, the history of Wangchia Temple Station will continue to be passed down from generation to generation and remain an important part of people's life.









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