
Old stories vanish along with Sanchong’s old theatres

2019/08/16 16:55
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PeoPo推 0

In the 60s and 70s, Taipei’s Sanchong was awash with factories and the destination for many people from the south and central regions of Taiwan migrating to urban areas from the countryside. It was the era before television, and Sanchong’s theatre culture was flourishing to meet the entertainment needs of the public. According to records, the area near Taipei Bridge had over 20 large and small theaters during that time, some screening movies, some staging Budaixi (puppetry) performances, some with Taiwanese operas, and some with singing and dancing troupes, providing a wide variety of choices for residents.


Due to urban regeneration in the old city and cultural changes in society, such bustling theatre scenes can no longer be seen, but the memories are still very much alive in the hearts and minds of old residents. Sadly, many such precious memories only survive through oral transmission from generation to generation and will gradually disappear in the sands of time.








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